Hannah Jane
In The News ...
"Right out of the gate the young woman captured everyone's attention, filling the full house with expressions of shock and surprise as patrons of the famed jazz club were exposed to one of the most versatile and thrilling talents to be seen on this or any stage in an incredibly long time."
-Stephen Mosher, Broadway World Cabaret
"Herein lies one of this soon-to-be Lady Of Broadway's many strong points - her humor. Never forced, never overplayed, never reaching for laughs, Hannah's hilarity happens with comedy's best friend... ti... timing."
-Bobby Patrick, Broadway World Cabaret
"Hannah Jane's voice is gorgeous, one could listen to her all evening and not tire of it."
-Grace Jordan, Broadway World Cabaret
"Hannah Jane has a spectacular, versatile voice. She can use it for pop, vintage songs, breathy folk songs, and has a powerful and clear soprano for reaching operatic heights."
-Andrew Poretz, Theater Pizzazz